We connect a community of people working in cleanroom zones

Industry, science, norms, standards, research and development’


The society was established primarily to integrate people working in
„cleanroom” facilities or people interested
in advanced technologies associated with clean zones.

Join us

Among the associations including persons designing and building clean zones, offered, equipment manufacturers and scientists associated with various industries and scientific branches such as: pharmacy, electronics, chemistry, space industry, food, automotive.

Welcome to our group:

First name and surname:

Company/Scientific institution/Other entity:



Please describe the relationship with clean technologies..
What contribution I would like to bring to the work of the society?
What I expect from my presence in the Society?

    Dziękujemy! Twoja wiadomość została wysłana.
    Nie można wysłać wiadomości. Proszę poprawić błędy i spróbować ponownie.

    The statute distinguishes three types of society members:
             1. Ordinary members
             2. Supporting members
             3. Honorary members

    Details in the statute

    We also invite technical universities and scientific circles to cooperate - the Society is eager to cooperate with scientific institutions and support interesting projects.




    We organize a conference every year
    of a mass nature of interest
    us themed.



    For its members, the association conducts training in over a dozen permanent programs and is individually prepared for specific processes.



    Meetings with interesting people associated with the activities of the association are colored by the calendar of annual tasks and often are the beginning of new paths of development.

    Base knowledge


    Press article and other materials related to the topic of interest to us.


    Links to pages relevant to us.

    Interesting companies

    Companies that support the Association or sympathize with us.